Lagoon of Patok


Το δίκτυο των λιμνοθαλασσών του Patok αντιπροσωπεύει μία από τις φυσικές ομορφιές της Αλβανικής ακτής. Η φυτική βιοποικιλότητα είναι ένα από τα χαρακτηριστικότερα σημεία αυτού του συγκροτήματος.
Il complesso lagunare di Patok rappresenta una delle bellezze naturali della costa Albanese. La biodiversità vegetale è una delle più note caratteristiche di questo complesso.
Complexul lagunar Patok reprezinta una din atractiile coastei litoralului albanez. Biodiversitatea vegetatiei este una din notele caracteristice ale acestui complex lagunar.
Lagoonary complex of Patok represents one of the most interesting natural beauties of the Albanian coast. The vegetable biodiversity is one of many characteristics notes of this complex.
Patok, Karavasta and Narta represent from North to South three wonderful lagoons on the Albanian coastline. Spectacular vegetation, impressive wildlife fauna characterize Patok and Karavasta while Narta, with its saltern, is an example of adaptive management of Mediterranean transitional ecosystems.
Along Albanian Adriatic coast, Lagoonary Complex of Patok represents one of the most interesting natural beauties of that coast. Situated between River Mati in the North and River Ishmi in the South, this complex includes a high diversity of habitats: internal lagoon and external lagoon (480 ha), forest (200 ha), agricultural fields (450 ha) and pastures (150 ha). This is what remained from ...
Gjate bregut shqiptar te Adriatikut, Kompleksi Ligatinor i Patokut perfaqeson nje nga bukurite natyrore me interesante te ketij bregu. I ndodhur ndermjet Lumit Mat ne Veri dhe Lumit Ishem ne Jug, ky kompleks perfshin nje llojshmeri te larte habitatesh: laguna e brendeshme dhe e jashtme (480 ha), pylli (200ha), tokat bujqesore (450ha) dhe blegtorale (150ha). Kjo eshte ajo çfare ka mbetur nga nje zone e meparshme prej 4200 ha qe ka kaluar nje proces interesant zhvillimi, per

DOI Code: 10.1285/i18252281v1n1p8

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