Interview to Ferdinand Bego (Expert Museum of Natural Sciences)


Albanian lagoons are threatened by many human activities, which directly or indirectly affects the exchange and the quality of the waters of the lagoons.
Το βασικά προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζεουν οι αλβανικές ακτές αφορούν τη μείωση της παράκτιας περιοχής της λιμνοθάλασσας, την περιορισμένη επικοινωνία μεταξύ των λιμνοθαλασσών και του θαλάσσιου περιβάλλοντος καθώς επίσης και φαινόμενα παράνομων δραστρηριοτήτων αλλά και η ελλειπής πληροφόρηση. Για τους λόγους αυτους, το μουσείο των φυσικών επιστημών εφαρμόζει δραστηριότητες σχετικές με τον έλεγχο των παράκτιων λιμνοθαλασσών.
Le lagune albanesi sono minacciate da molte attività umane, che direttamente o indirettamente incidono sullo scambio e sulla qualità delle acque delle lagune.
Principalele probleme ale coastelor marine din Albania constau in reducerea suprafetelor de coasta a lagunelor, comunicarea limitata dintre lagune si mare, precum si alte probleme pentru solutionarea carora care Muzeul de Stiinte Naturale realizeaza activitatea de monitorizare a lagunelor din zona de coasta.
Q: Which are the main problematic ones of Coastal Lagoons in Albania?
A: The main problematic of the Coastal Lagoons in Albania are: - reduction of the coastal lagoon area - costal erosion - pollution and antrophication - limited flow of fresh water into coastal lagoons - limited communication of water between lagoons and the sea ...

P: Cilat jane problematikat kryesore te Lagunave Bregdetare ne Shqiperi?
P: Problematikat kryesore te Lagunave Bregdetare ne Shqiperi jane: Zvogelimi i zones lagunore bregdetare Erozioni bregdetar Ndotja dhe ndotja nga njeriu

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