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Chloé Alexandre
Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Chloé Alexandre ([email protected]) is a Ph.D student in political science at Sciences Po Grenoble, PACTE research center working on values, political attitudes and electoral behaviors. She focuses on the drivers of radical and populist vote in Europe and the demand for a democratic renewal.
Antoine Bristielle
Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Antoine Bristielle ([email protected]) is a Ph.D student in political science at Sciences Po Grenoble, UMR PACTE. His work focuses on political communication, media transformations and the effects of the media on young people’s relationship with politics.
Laura Chazel
Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Laura Chazel ([email protected]) is a Ph.D student at Sciences Po Grenoble and at the University Complutense of Madrid. Her research focuses on the (re)construction of the notion of populism in/by left-wing political parties with a focus of attention on two movements: Podemos and La France insoumise. She works on the flow of ideas between political parties (especially between the Latin American Left and the European Left); on the relationship between social movements and institutions; and on the influence of the academic world on political parties.
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