Editorial Team


  1. Fabio de Nardis, University of Salento, Italy
  2. Alice Mattoni, University of Bologna, Italy
  3. Louisa Parks, University of Trento, Italy
  4. Elena Pavan, University of Trento, Italy
  5. Gianni Piazza, University of Catania, Italy
  6. Luca Raffini, University of Genoa, Italy

Associate Editors

  1. Guya Accornero, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal
  2. Luca Alteri, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
  3. Massimiliano Andretta, University of Pisa, Italy
  4. Lorenzo Bosi, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy
  5. Manuela Caiani, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy
  6. Adriano Cirulli, Università degli Studi di Udine, italy
  7. Francesca Forno, University of Trento, Italy
  8. Alberta Giorgi, University of Bergamo, Italy
  9. Lorenzo Mosca, University of Milan, Italy
  10. Timothy Peace, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
  11. Paola Rivetti, Dublin City University, Ireland
  12. Simone Tosi, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy
  13. Tommaso Vitale, Sciences Po, Paris, France

Italian Editorial Board

  1. Maurizio Ambrosini, University of Milan, Italy
  2. Manuel Anselmi, University of Perugia, Italy
  3. Giovanni Barbieri, University of Perugia, Italy
  4. Luciano Bardi, University of Pisa, Italy
  5. Mauro Barisione, University of Milan, Italy
  6. Bianca Beccalli, University of Milan, Italy
  7. Gianfranco Bettin Lattes, University of Florence, Italy
  8. Emiliano Bevilacqua, University of Salento, Italy
  9. Roberto Biorcio, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy
  10. Vando Borghi, University of Bologna, Italy
  11. Luigi Bobbio, University of Turin, Italy
  12. Mimmo Carrieri, University of Teramo, Italy
  13. Bruno Cartosio, University of Bergamo, Italy
  14. Antonio Ciniero, University of Salento, Italy
  15. Ernesto d'Albergo, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
  16. Marco Damiani, University of Perugia, Italy
  17. Emiliana De Blasio, Luiss Guido Carli, Italy
  18. Ilvo Diamanti, University of Urbino, Italy
  19. Ota de Leonardis, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy
  20. Angelo Galiano, University of Salento, Italy
  21. Enrico Gargiulo, University of Bologna, Italy
  22. Paolo Roberto Graziano, University of Padova, Italy
  23. Laura Leonardi, University of Florence
  24. Piero Ignazi, University of Bologna, Italy
  25. Giulio Moini, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
  26. Claudia Padovani, University of Padova, Italy
  27. Luigi Pellizzoni, University of Trieste, Italy
  28. Andrea Pirni, University of Genova, Italy
  29. Costanzo Ranci, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
  30. Francesco Raniolo, University of Calabria, Italy
  31. Federico Russo, University of Salento, Department of History, Social Science and Human Studies, Italy
  32. Rossana Sampugnaro, University of Catania, Italy
  33. Ambrogio Santambrogio, University of Perugia, Italy
  34. Rocco Sciarrone, University of Turin, Italy
  35. Loredana Sciolla, University of Turin, Italy
  36. Chara Sebastiani, University of Bologna, Italy
  37. Roberto Segatori, University of Perugia, Italy
  38. Anna Simone, University of Rome 3, Italy
  39. Marta Vignola, University of Salento, Italy
  40. Lorenzo Viviani, Università di Pisa, Italy

International Advisory Board

  1. Zygmunt Bauman †, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
  2. Paulus Albertus Blokker, University of Trento, Italy
  3. Luc Boltanski, EHESS, Paris, France
  4. Daniel Cefai, Université de Paris X, France
  5. Vincenzo Cicchelli, Paris Descartes-CNRS, France
  6. Daniele Conversi, University of the Basque Country, Spain
  7. Gerard Delanty, University of Sussex, United Kingdom
  8. Donatella della Porta, European University Institute, Italy
  9. Mario Diani, University of Trento, Italy
  10. Nicolas Dodier, EHESS, Paris, France
  11. Klaus Eder, Humboldt University, Germany
  12. Olivier Fillieule, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
  13. Roberto Franzosi, Emory University, United States
  14. Virginie Guiraudon, Sciences Po, Paris, France
  15. Marco Giugni, University of Geneva, Switzerland
  16. David Held, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
  17. Hanspeter Kriesi, University of Zürich, Switzerland
  18. Dietmar Loch, Unversity of Grenoble, France
  19. Michele Micheletti, Karlstad University, Sweden
  20. Marco Oberti, Sciences Po, Paris, France
  21. Thomas Olesen, University of Aarhus, Denmark
  22. David Paternotte, Free University of Bruxelles, Belgium
  23. Riikka Perälä, University of Helsinki, Finland
  24. Abby Peterson, University of Gothemburg, Sweden
  25. Chris Pickvance, University of Kent, United Kingdom
  26. Gianfranco Poggi, Uinversity of Trento, Italy
  27. Ettore Recchi, Sciences Po, Paris, France
  28. Jean-Pierre Reed, University of Southern Illinois, United States
  29. Carlo Ruzza, University of Trento, Italy
  30. Saskia Sassen, Columbia University, United States
  31. Tanja Sekulic, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy
  32. Jackie Smith, University of Pittsburgh, United States
  33. David Snow, University of California, Irvine, United States
  34. Isabelle Sommier, University of Paris I, France
  35. Michele Sorice, Università degli Studi La Sapienza, Roma
  36. Sidney Tarrow, Cornell University, United States
  37. Benjamín Tejerina, University of the Basque Country, Spain
  38. Charles Tilly †, Columbia University, United States
  39. Hans-Jörg Trenz, University of Copenaghen, Denmark
  40. Paolo Vignolo, National University of Bogotà, Colombia
  41. Maarten Peter Vink, Maastricht University, Netherlands
  42. Alison Woodward, Vrije University, Bruxelles, Belgium

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e-ISSN: 2035-6609