On isomorphisms of chain geometries
Isomorphisms (automorphisms) of chain geometries over a ring L were studied mainly for a skewfield [2], [3], [8] alternating field [9], a commutative algebra (see the survey in [4]) a local ring [7] or an algebra of characteristic
, [1]-in most cases by means of harmonic quadruples, cross rations- or (in the last example) generalized harmonic quadruples.
Here instead of this are studied isomorphisms of chain geometries over any K-algebra A of finite dimension with
(local algebra of finite dimension with
![≠ 2](https://358864.dpsou.asia/plugins/generic/latexRender/cache/3c9ee2153ee21aeb017e37aaf0fac0df.png)
![|K|≥ 3](https://358864.dpsou.asia/plugins/generic/latexRender/cache/f278ae0da3abd532ed00a1df1c93e188.png)
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