«... prevalse il partito dell’adozione dell’Ordine del giorno ...» la Commissione parlamentare d’inchiesta del 1868 sul corso forzoso


This essay criticizes the loan of the National Bank and the fiat currency with which, in 1866, the Chamber of deputies and the «Government of the King» confronted the european Financial Crisis and prepared the war for Venice. Annexed Veneto and Venice and consumed the crisis of Mentana, the three governments Menabrea exceeded the dangers of a rupture with France on the matter of «rome Capital». on 10th March 1868, during the II Menabrea government, the Chamber of deputies appointed the Agenda Corsi-rossi and nominated the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry composed from five members of the right and from two of the Left, with the «dual purpose of reducing temporary and definitive cessation of fiat». on June, Senate and Chamber approved the Grist-tax proposed by Minister of Finance, Luigi G. Cambray digny. on 25th July, considered the answers to the questionaries’ dispatched by the main Italian institutes of credit and the thirty nine hearings, Filippo Cordova, Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the fiat currency, proposed a Law that limited the fiat currency, but increased the small banknotes, to develop businesses. Soon afterwards, the Chamber of deputies voted whether the Law that entrusted the tobacco monopoly to an association of banks, or its new Provisional regulations and substituted Cordova, infarcted, with Fedele Lampertico. on 28th November, approved the Cordova Law, the new Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the fiat currency presented his Final report, approved with the dissenting votes of two deputies of the right. Lampertico argued that the european financial crisis and the war against Austria could be confronted with legal currency and criticized the management of fiat currency, but posed the problem of balance the debt with the National Bank and obtained the approval of three Agendas to stabilize the cash, punish irregularities and speculations and prepare the return to legal currency. In conclusion, the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on the fiat currency consolidated the National Bank and regulated the monetary circulation, contributing to reinforce the private interests compatible with the National interests, prevent the financial collapse of the State, limit imports and develop exports. In spite of this, the fiat currency lasted in the years, penalizing creditors with respect to debtors.

Keywords: Camera dei deputati; Politica finanziaria; Governo del re; Commissione parlamentare d’inchiesta; Corso forzoso; Chamber of deputies; Financial Policy; Government of the King; Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry; Fiat currency

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