Il prossimo numero di «H-ermes. Journal of Communication» sarà dedicato al tema Narrazioni.
L’idea è quella di legare al tema delle Narrazioni la modalità dell’oralità, proponendo un’analisi del tema che sviluppi, nella più ampia prospettiva multidisciplinare, i seguenti percorsi, privilegiando casi di studio originali o nuove linee di ricerca:
- I generi narrativi nel sistema mediale contemporaneo; - Raccontare la guerra; - Narrazioni audiovisive: le forme narrative del cinema e della televisione; - Narrazioni mainstream e narrazioni minoritarie: la storia raccontata dai vincitori e dai vinti; - La costruzione della realtà: la narrazione del mondo attraverso la costruzione dei new media; - La semiotica delle narrazioni: modelli linguistici e comunicazionali; - Storia del racconto: dal mito ai modelli culturali contemporanei; - La storia come forma di racconto; - La narrazione in musica: songwriters, griots, rappers, librettisti d’opera; - Storytelling e pubblicità; - Storytelling e politica; - Transmedia storytelling: mondi, universi, ecosistemi; - Origine e ontogenesi della competenza narrativa; - Broken narrative e crisi della coerenza; - Narrazione e messa in scena: dal teatro alla coreografia; - I dialoghi filosofici come forma narrativa privilegiata.
I video dovranno pervenire in formati audio-video digitali, compatibili almeno con sistema operativi (OS) pc e mac. Le proposte vanno inviate all’indirizzo e-mail: Lingue The next issue of H-ermes will be dedicated to the topic of “Narrations”. For the first time, our journal will be presented as a collection of short video-essays (10-15 minutes max). Authors are invited to decline the topic of “Narrations” according to their scientific interests, recording their video intervention on their own. Videos shall be sent to the editorial board already assembled, with some explanatory notes (please see Submission paragraph). The call seeks to connect the topic of “Narrations” with the modalities of oral argumentation, in the broadest multidisciplinary perspective. The Editorial board of H-ermes suggests the following research paths to the video-essay authors:
- Telling stories: collective memorization processes and transmission of knowledge; - The narrative genres in the contemporary media system; - Telling trips: forms of travel literature; - Storytelling & placetelling; - Telling wars; - Audiovisual narrations: the narrative forms of cinema and television; - Mainstream and minority narrations: history told by winners and losers; - The construction of reality: the new media narration of the world; - Narration and meta-narration: tools for telling and communication theories; - Semiotics of narratives: linguistic and communicative models; - History of telling: from myth to contemporary cultural models; - History in the form of a story; - Myth, fable and tale as narrative forms; - Narration in music: songwriters, griots, rappers and opera librettists; - Storytelling and advertising; - Storytelling and politics; - Transmedia storytelling: narrative worlds, universes and ecosystems. - Origin and ontogeny of the narrative competence; - Broken narratives and the crisis of coherence; - Narration and staging: from theatre to choreography; - The philosophic dialogue as a privileged narrative form.
Refereeing Each essay will be evaluated by at least two referees. The referees will be chosen among the members of the Editorial Board, the Executive Editors and external scholars.
Submission Description of audiovisual projects (max. 2000 characters) to be sent by March 15, 2019. Video-essays to be delivered by May 15, 2019. Videos shall be sent in digital audio-video format, compatible at least with operating (OS) PC and MAC. Proposals shall be sent to the e-mail address [email protected]
Languages Video-essays can be realized in Italian, English, French, German, Portuguese Spanish. Each video shall be accompanied by an abstract in English (max. 2000 characters). |
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