A Statistical Model for the Self-evaluation of Teacher Satisfaction in School Management: a Study in the Italian Secondary School


Job Satisfaction is a set of favorable or unfavorable feelings and emotions linked to how employees view their work environment, and supervisors need to be attentive to employee satisfaction levels. If employees are not satisfied with their jobs, the overall progress of the entire system is affected. This paper reports on a teacher job satisfaction study that examined a sample of 362 teachers. The Common Assessment Framework & Education questionnaire was  used to collect data. The aim of the study is to identify, by a Structural equation model, the factors that most influence Job Satisfaction taking into account age,  total years of service and gender. The results underlines a significant difference between male/female in Job Satisfaction model.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v12n3p637

Keywords: teacher job satisfaction; structural equation model; partial least squares; multi-group analysis; gender.


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