Visualizing multiple results from Nonlinear CUB models with R grid Viewports


Nonlinear CUB models have been recently introduced in the literature to model rating or ordinal data. They extend the standard CUB(Combination of Uniform and Binomial), which is a mixture modelcombining a discrete Uniform and a Shifted Binomial random variables. Unlike CUB, Nonlinear CUB models account for the unequal spacing among response categories. Nonlinear CUB can be effectively used in a variety of fields, for example whenever questionnaires with questions having ordered response categories are used to measure human perceptions and attitudes. This paper proposes a new graphical representation, which works with R grid Viewports in order to summarize multiple results from Nonlinear CUB models in a unique plot. A case study on the perceived risk in fraud management ispresented.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v8n3p360

Keywords: rating data; ordinal; feeling; uncertainty; transition probabilities; perceived risk


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