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Issue Title
Vol 10, No 2 (2024): Community Psychology in Global Perspective Socio-psychological perspectives on climate-related migration: A systematic review and research agenda Details  PDF
Maria Fernandes-Jesus, Annalisa Cecconi, Francesca Esposito, Maria Vargas-Moniz, Cinzia Albanesi

Vol 6, No 2/2 (2020): Community Psychology in Global Perspective - Special Issue: Communities in the face of climate change "Nothing green can grow without being on the land": Mine-affected communities' psychological experiences of ecological degradation and resistance in Rustenburg, South Africa. Details  PDF
Garret Christopher Barnwell, Louise Stroud, Mark Watson

Vol 6, No 2/2 (2020): Community Psychology in Global Perspective - Special Issue: Communities in the face of climate change Impacts of climate change on rural poverty in the Brazilian Northeast and South Details  PDF
Elívia Camurça Cidade, James Ferreira Moura Junior, Verônica Morais Ximenes

Vol 6, No 2/2 (2020): Community Psychology in Global Perspective - Special Issue: Communities in the face of climate change Seeing more clearly: Communities transforming towards justice in post-hurricane Puerto Rico Details  PDF
Isabel Unanue, Sita G. Patel, Teceta Thomas Tormala, Carlie D. Trott, Angely Ann Piazza Rodríguez, Kyara Méndez Serrano, Lisa M. Brown

Vol 6, No 2/2 (2020): Community Psychology in Global Perspective - Special Issue: Communities in the face of climate change Communities reclaiming power and social justice in the face of climate change Details  PDF
Maria Fernandes-Jesus, Brendon Barnes, Raquel Farias Diniz

Vol 6, No 2/2 (2020): Community Psychology in Global Perspective - Special Issue: Communities in the face of climate change Why we need to build a planetary sense of community Details  PDF
Donata Francescato

Vol 6, No 2/2 (2020): Community Psychology in Global Perspective - Special Issue: Communities in the face of climate change “Another Haiti starting from the youth”: Integrating the arts and sciences for empowering youth climate justice action in Jacmel, Haiti Details  PDF
Carlie D. Trott, Maria L. Rockett, Emmanuel-Sathya Gray, Stephanie Lam, Trevor L. Even, Susan M. Frame

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e-ISSN: 2421-2113