e-ISSN: 2421-2113
Editor in chief: Terri Mannarini (University of Salento, Italy)
Associate Editors: Caterina Arcidiacono (Federico II University of Naples, Italy) - Anne E. Brodsky (University of Maryland Baltimore County - United States) - Christopher Sonn (Victoria University, Australia)
Assistant Editors: Evelyn De Simone (University of Salento, Italy) - Serena Verbena (University of Salento, Italy)
“Still I shine”: Student photovoice project on racial and ethnic diversity and inclusion at a public university in the United States | Details PDF |
Jana Sladkova, Katherine Santos | 1-19 |
Socioeconomic and psychosocial factors associated with solidarity and prosociality during Covid-19 | Details PDF |
Naiema Taliep, Ghouwa Ismail, Lu-Anne Swart, Ashley Van Niekerk, Mohammed Seedat | 20-44 |
Women’s lived experiences of work from home in India during Covid-19: An interpretative phenomenological analysis | Details PDF |
Drishti Kashyap, Mohammad Ghazi Shahnawaz | 45-63 |
Individual and community-related paths to civic engagement: A multiple mediation model deepening the role of sense of responsible togetherness, community trust, and hope | Details PDF |
Fortuna Procentese, Immacolata Di Napoli, Ciro Esposito, Flora Gatti | 64-83 |
Examining the well-being of Ukrainian female migrant workers in Italy: Age perspective | Details PDF |
Oksana Shelemei, Chiara Ruini | 84-105 |
Self-transcendence values and sense of community: Driven by the concern for the welfare of strangers or for those we are acquainted with? | Details PDF |
Terri Mannarini, Serena Verbena, Alessia Rochira, Sergio Salvatore | 106-112 |
Rethinking the common from spatialized differences: New interpellations for community psychology | Details PDF |
Alicia Raquel Rodríguez Ferreyra | 113-130 |

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e-ISSN: 2421-2113