Ready to be considered, a data base on the transitional aquatic ecosystems of the Mediterranean and Black Sea region


In the TWRefereneceNet Project, the transitional ecology group of the researchers of University and Research Institutes of the partner countries is carrying out the organization and publication of a data base on transitional aquatic ecosystems of the Mediterranean and Black Sea region. Particularly, eighteen transitional aquatic ecosystems including lagoons, coastal lakes, river mouth and salt pans of the CADSES area have been selected and studied, investigating abiotic ecosystem characteristics and biotic characteristics of the phytoplanktonic and macro-zoobenthonic communities. The data base is ready and computer scientists are working to publish it on the web site of the Project:
Nell’ambito del progetto "TWReferenceNet" gli ecologi del Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche ed Ambientali dell’Università di Lecce, in collaborazione con altre Università ed Istituti di ricerca, hanno focalizzato l’attenzione sugli ecosistemi di transizione del Mediterraneo e dell’area danubiana, finalizzando il lavoro alla realizzazione di un data-base su questi ecosistemi. Uno degli obiettivi dei ricercatori è stato quello di definire dei descrittori dello stato di salute degli ecosistemi acquatici di transizione.
Ne projektin TWRefereneceNet, grupi i ekologjise tranzitore te kerkuesve te Institucioneve Universitare dhe Kerkimore te vendeve partnere po kryen organizimin dhe publikimin e nje baze te dhenash per ekosistemet e ujrave tranzitore te rajonit te detit Mesdhe dhe detit te Zi. Ne menyre te vecante, 18 ekosisteme ujore tranzitore perfshire laguna, liqene bregdetare, grykederdhje te lumenjve dhe kripore te zones CADSES jane zgjedhur dhe studiuar , duke humultuar karakteristikat abiotike dhe biotike te ekosistemit per komunitetet e fitoplanktonit dhe makro-zoobentosit. Baza e te dhenave eshte gati dhe informaticienet po punojne per t’a publikuar ne faqen ne internet te Projektit:
Στο ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα TWRefereneceNet, η διεθνής οικολογική ομάδα των ερευνητών των Πανεπιστημίων και των Ερευνητικών Ινστιτούτων των εταίρων χωρών διεκπεραιώνει την οργάνωση και δημοσίευση μίας βάσης δεδομένων για τα μεταβατικά υδατικά οικοσυστήματα της Μεσογείου και της Μαύρης Θάλασσας. Ειδικότερα, δεκαοχτώ μεταβατικά υδατικά οικοσυστήματα, περιλαμβανομένων λιμνοθαλασσών, παράκτιων λιμνών, εκβολών ποταμών και αλυκών της περιοχής CADSES, έχουν επιλεγεί και μελετηθεί, ερευνώντας τα αβιοτικά χαρακτηριστικά του οικοσυστήματος και τα βιοτικά χαρακτηριστικά των φυτοπλαγκτονικών και των μακροζωοβενθικών βιοκοινωνιών. Η βάση δεδομένων είναι έτοιμη και ειδικοί επιστήμονες επί της πληροφορικής εργάζονται για τη δημοσίευσή της στην ιστοσελίδα του Προγράμματος:
В рамките на проекта TWRefereneceNet, специалисти от университети и изследователски институти на страните партньори създадоха и публикуваха база данни за преходните води на Средиземноморския и Черноморския региони. Екосистемите на осемнадесет преходни водни тела включително лагуни, крайбражни езера, речни устия и соленоводни блата, на територията на CADSES, бяха подбрани като обект на изследване на абиотичните параметри и биотични характеристики на фитопланктонните и макрозообентосните съобщества. Базата данни е завършена и компютърни специалисти я обработват за публикуване на уеб страницата на проекта:
In proiectul TWReferenceNet grupul de cercetatori universitari in ecologie si institute de cercetare din tarile partenere realizeaza organizatii si publicatii de baze de date pe ecosisteme acvatice de tranzitie din regiunile Mediteraneana si Marea Neagra. In particular optisprezece ecositeme acvatice de tranzitie incluzand lagune lacuri costire guri de varsare ale raurilor din zona CADSES au fost selectate si studiate, investigand caracteristici abiotice ale ecosistemului si caracteristici biotice de fitoplankton si comunitati macro-zoobentonice. Baza de date este gata si specialistii in stiinta calculatoarelor lucreaza la publicarea acesteia pe site-ul web al proiectului :
In the TWRefereneceNet Project, the transitional ecology group of the researchers of University and Research Institutes of the partner countries is carrying out the organization and publication of a data base on transitional aquatic ecosystems of the Mediterranean and Black Sea region. Particularly, eighteen transitional aquatic ecosystems including lagoons, coastal lakes, river mouth and salt pans of the CADSES area have been selected and studied, investigating abiotic ecosystem characteristics and biotic characteristics of the phytoplanktonic and macro-zoobenthonic communities. The data base is ready and computer scientists are working to publish it on the web site of the Project:

DOI Code: 10.1285/i18252281v5n1p3

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