Lagoon of Narta


Narta Lagoon is situated in Vlora region, Albania. It is one of the biggest and most important lagoons in Albania. Narta area is considered as one of the most important lagoon areas in Albania based on the high biodiversity values and the number of habitat found there. In the northen area the lagoon has a poor exchange with the sea and it becomes a typical site of salt mine.
Η λιμνοθάλασσα Narta βρίσκεται στην περιοχή της Valona στην Αλβανία. Είναι μια από τις μεγαλύτερες και σημαντικότερες λιμνοθάλασσες της Αλβανίας. Η θέση της Narta θεωρείται απο τις σημαντικότερες της Αλβανίας, βασιζόμενη στις υψηλές τιμές βιοποικιλότητας αλλά και στους πολυάριθμους βιότοπους που φιλοξενεί. Η ζώνη Narta είναι μια από τις σημαντικότερες λιμνοθαλάσσιες ζώνες διεθνούς σημασίας
La Laguna di Narta, che si trova nella regione di Valona, è una delle lagune più grandi e importanti dell’Albania. Narta è caratterizzata da elevata biodiversità ed alta complessità di habitat. Nell’area più settentrionale la laguna ha uno scambio ridotto con il mare ed assume caratteristiche di salina.
Laguna Narta este situata in regiunea Valona din Albania, fiind una din cele mai mari si mai importante lagune din Albania. Zona Narta este considerata a fi una din cele mai importante zone lagunare din Albania, avand valori ridicate ale biodiversitatii si habitate numeroase. Zona Narta este de asemenea una din zonele de importanta ridicata pe plan international.
Narta Lagoon is situated in Vlora region, Albania. It is one of the biggest and most important lagoons in Albania. Narta lagoon has a surface of the water about 42 km2, from which 13.8 km2 are used for the salt production in the salt mine of Skrofotina. The depth of the lagoon is from 0.70 m to 1.50 m. The salt mine in Narta is one of the oldest in Balkans and Albania. Salt production till 1990 was 140-150 thousand tones ...
Laguna e Nartes ndodhet ne Rajonin e Vlores, Shqiperi. Eshte nje nga lagunat me te medha dhe te rendesishme ne Shqiperi. Laguna e Nartes ka nje siperfaqe ujore rreth 42 km 2 , nga te cilat 13,8 km 2 shfrytezohen per prodhimin e kripes ne kriporen e Skrofotines. Thellesia e lagunes shkon nga 0.70 m ne 1.50 m. Miniera e kripes ne Narte eshte nje nga me te lashtat ne Ballkan

DOI Code: 10.1285/i18252281v1n1p11

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