Interview to Zamir Dedej (Director of Nature Protection Ministry of Environment)


The main role of the Ministry of Environment is to coordinate the activities in the environmental field. In the Project the role of the Ministry is to collaborate with the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Tirana and with the Institute of the Biological Research of the Academy of Sciences and to coordinate their activities.
Ο κύριος ρόλος του Υπουργείου περιβάλλοντος είναι να συντονίσει τις δραστηριότητες στα περιβαλλοντικά θέματα. Στο πρόγραμμα ο ρόλος του Υπουργείου είναι να συνεργαστεί με τη σχολή των φυσικών επιστημών του πανεπιστήμιου των Τιράνων και με το ίδρυμα Βιολογικής έρευνας της ακαδημίας επιστημών ωστε να συντονίσουν τις μεταξύ τους δραστηριότητες.
Il ruolo principale del Ministero dell’Ambiente è di coordinare le attività nell’ambito ambientale. Nel Progetto il ruolo del Ministero è di collaborare con la Facoltà delle Scienze Naturali dell’Università di Tirana e con l’Istituto delle Ricerca Biologica dell’Accademia delle Scienze e di coordinare le loro attività.
Principalul rol al Ministerului Mediului este coordonarea activitatilor legate de mediu. In acest proiect rolul ministerului este de a colabora cu Facultatea de Stiinte Naturale a Universitatii din Tirana si cu Institutul de Cercetari Biologice al Academiei de Stiinte, si de a coordona activitatile acestora.
Q: Which is the role of the Environment Ministry in the TWReferenceNET Project?
A: The main role of the Environment Ministry is to coordinate the activities in the environmental field. In the Project TWReferenceNet the Environment Ministry, coordinates the activity in collaboration with the Natural Science Faculty of ...

P: Cili eshte roli i Ministrise se Mjedisit ne projektin TWReferenceNET?
P: Roli kryesor i Ministrise se Mjedisit, eshte qe te koordinoje veprimtarite qe zbatohen ne fushen e mjedisit dhe per te cilat kerkohet ndihme dhe prania e saj. Edhe ne Projektin TWReferenceNet Ministria e Mjedisit ne bashkepunim me Fakultetin e Shkencave te Natyres ne Universitetin e Tiranes dhe Institucioneve kerkimore-shkencore (Instituti i Kerkimeve Biologjike) te Akademise se Shkencave koordinon veprimtarine ne kuader te projektit. Prania dhe mbeshtetja e stafit te Ministrise ndaj ketij projekti eshte nje

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