Interview to Jorg Lohmann (Director Programme Office for South Eastern Europe IUCN - The World Conservation Union)


IUCN is interested into the activities of Project INTERREG III B CADSES in Albania because it works as hub for information on the conservation of biodiversity and management of protected areas in South-Eastern Europe. It could support a network of total acquaintance and an added value regarding experts in this matter to the project.
IUNC eshte i interesuar ne aktivitet e Programit INTERREG III B CADSES ne Shqiperi sepse funksionon si qender per informimin mbi ruajtjen e biodiversitetit dhe administrimin e zonave te mbrojtura te Europes JUG- Lindore. Do te mund te mbeshtese nje rrjete te njohurive te pergjithshme dhe t’u jape nje shtese vlerave te projektit persa i perket eksperteve ne kete fushe.
Το IUCN ενδιαφέρεται για τις δραστηριότητες του προγράμματος INTERREG ΙΙΙ Β CADSES στην Αλβανία μια και οι λειτουργίες του είναι η συλλογή πληροφοριών με σκοπό τη διατήρηση της βιοποικιλότητας και διαχείρισης προστατευόμενων περιοχών της νοτιοανατολικής Ευρώπης. Μια τέτοια προοπτική θα δημιουργούσε ένα δίκτυο συνολικής εξοικείωσης και γνώσης όπως επίσης και την πολύτιμη συνεισφορά εμπειρογνωμόνων σχετικών με το θέμα.
IUCN è interessato alle attività del Progetto INTERREG III B CADSES in Albania perché funziona come mezzo di informazione sulla conservazione della bio - diversità e sulla gestione delle zone protette nel Sud Est Europa. Potrebbe sostenere una rete di conoscenza totale e fornire un valore aggiunto al progetto per quanto riguarda gli esperti in materia.
IUCN este interesat de activitatile proiectului INTERREG III B CADSES in Albania, intrucat functia acestuia este de informare privind conservarea biodiversitatii si managementul zonelor protejate din Sud-Estul Europei. Aceasta va duce la crearea unei retele de cunostinte globale, cu valoare adaugata data de expertii din domeniu.
Q: What are challenges and perspectives of the IUCN in the project and in general about sustainable development of protected transitional waters?
A: Project: The IUCN Programme Office for South Eastern Europe (IUCN-SEE) is interested to harmonise its programme activities with ...

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