Serapias X Marchiorii Turco & Medagli (Serapias Bergonii E. G. Camus X Serapias Politisi Renz) Ibrido naturale nuovo del Salento


Natural hybridization in the plant kingdom, that particularly occurs in disturbed habitats where is generally considered as a threat for rare and endangered species, is a potent evolutionary force. In fact in Mediterranean orchids, mainly pertaining to the Anacamptys, Ophrys and Serapias genres, the hybridization is a common phenomenon, as a natural consequence of their pollination system, that often it has carried to the defined phenomenon “sympatric speciation”. Here we describe the result of this process as a new Orchidaceae’s hybryd species, belong to Serapias genus, named Serapias x marchiorii Turco & Medagli, through analysis of the morphological aspects. The parental of the new hybrid species are: Serapias bergonii E.G. Camus and Serapias politisi Renz. Serapias bergonii = S. vomeracea (N.L. Burm.) Briq. subsp. laxiflora (Soò) Gölz & Reinhard was originally described as an hybrid entity, result of a discovery made in Corfù at the “Saline of Potamos”. It is a species that is distributed in eastern areas, present in Italy only in the southern Apulia and southern Sicily. Serapias politisi, instead, was originally described as an hybrid between Serapias bergonii and Serapias parviflora at the island of Corfù, then was defined as a species and reported for the mainland Greece, the Aegean’s islands, the western Anatolia and in Apulia, the only Italian region of presence, where it is widespread mostly in Salento. Thus, the ranges of these two entities have little overlap that make rare and localized the interspecific hybrids. This is, probably, the reason that makes the hybrid in question not widely distributed. S. x marchiorii was found in a small area known as “Palude di Cassano” in the town of Melendugno (Le) along the adriatic coast, May 13, 2009. The area of small dimensions, is occupied mostly by a depression in karst nature which was partially drained in the middle of ‘900 with the creation of a drainage channel; the area surrounding the marsh is mainly occupied by grasslands and maquis. The station was found with few plants and was situated at an altitude between 12 and 15m above sea level, on a calcareous substrates known as “Calcareniti del Salento”.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i15910725v32p145

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