Le emozioni bio-antropologiche kantiane: l'equilibrio ambientale dell'uomo e dell'animale = Kantian bio-anthropological emotions: the environmental balance of man and animal


The article aims to define an enactive theory of emotions in Kant's philosophy, following a perspective of self-regulation of affectivity in which humans, animals, and the environment interact. After having outlined a taxonomy of Kantian emotions, I will propose a reading between Kant and Damasio regarding the interconnected relationship between cognition and emotion, through a redevelopment of Kantian reflection concerning the contemporary neurobiological approach relating to studies of memory, evolutionary adaptation, and judgment practical in humans and animals, in which the concept of preservation of a state of well-being emerges as a common element. Finally, it will suggest a theoretical model of "non-radical" enactivism, connected to the regulation between body and organism and in which self-normation, sensorimotor organization, and intersubjective interaction contribute to the explanation of emotions in a bodily and cognitive-evaluative sense. To conclude, I will indicate a distinction between biological and social environment [Umwelt] between Kant and von Uexküll, explaining how "non-radical" Kantian enactivism has an intersubjective foundation.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i18285368aXXXVIIn105p128

Keywords: Kant; von Uexküll; emozioni; ambiente; enattivismo; autoregolazione

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