La Madonna della Valle di Taranta Peligna: chiesa, devozione, festa, leggende e tradizioni


Taranta Peligna is a town in the Abruzzo province of Chieti. Its territory extends between 378 and 2646 meters of altitude and includes a mountain sector belonging to the Majella massif and a hill consisting of woods, urbanized areas, uncultivated and cultivated lands. The current population, decimated by emigration, is about 380 inhabitants. Like many other municipalities, this town is characterized by traditions that accentuate its typicality; among them stands the Feast of the Madonna della Valle which is celebrated at the beginning of July. This work analyze the local traditions concerning the particular Marian figure. The research carried out has shown that the Madonna della Valle is a municipal emblem and with its party it helps to maintain the specific cultural and territorial identity of Taranta Peligna.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22804250v7i1p275

Keywords: Madonna della Valle; Taranta Peligna; Abruzz; feast; legends

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