Ghiacciofuoco di L. Pariani e N. Lecca: scrivere insieme dalle linee opposte della migrazione


he novel by Laura Pariani and Nicola Lecca, Ghiacciofuoco, published in 2007, allows us to investigate many critical and literary issues. This novel is immediately innovative: in fact the writers are a man and a woman, living in distant and opposite countries, both writers and both migrants. It is easily understood that the typical displacement of the migrant in this case is double, and the same effect is also created by the rate of narrative ambiguity and linguistic creolization. There is a continuous shift that develops over multiple lines, already characteristic of the literature of migration, which in this case is amplified and multiplied to mirror that temporal, spatial and gender diversity. In fact in this novel the redundant diversity is the main structure of the text. The narrative project, masterfully conducted by L. Pariani and N. Lecca, offers an exciting new experience. The story intends to deal with the concept of migration through multiple focuses, which are deeply contaminated by the dialectic of the narrators. The interplay between the authors renders the novel a perfect example of a new narrative style. The novel’s female figures emerge from the dialectic creolization between the writers and belong to a series of migrant problems. In the end the migrants’ authors are not the only dimension of Ghiacciofuoco. The meetings and matches of the authors and of their characteristics allow us to investigate the theoretical and critical dimension of collective writing intertwined with the issue of gender. Last but not least, this novel is a clear example of how the theme of the journey can be the vehicle of new literary trends.

Keywords: collective writing; literature of migration; creolization; gender literature

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