Not only Riders. The Uncertain Boundaries of Digital Creative Work as a Frontier for Emerging Actors in Interest Representation


Platform work rarely is an exclusive job. On the contrary, it often coexists with various types of self-employment, usually offline, as a secondary activity and source of additional income. This is the case with many creative workers that are exposed to job and income discontinuity, to which they frequently respond by holding multiple jobs. Several studies have shown how work fragmentation acts as a barrier to collective action. On the other hand, a few innovative trajectories are being shaped among trade unions and 'bottom-up' organisations. This article explores emerging forms of interest representation, focusing on mutual-aid cooperatives and professional associations of graphic and web designers, working off and on platform, in Italy and the Netherlands. It analyses their logics of action and strategies. To do so, it presents the findings of two research projects conducted between 2016 and 2018.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20356609v12i3p845

Keywords: Creative work; Platform work; Interest representation; Mutual-aid cooperatives; Professional associations


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