Platform Work: From Digital Promises to Labor Challenges


The pervasiveness of the digital ecosystem reconfigures the organization of work. The new industrial revolution is increasingly based on the platform as a new productive paradigm. Platforms are more than a technical device and they produce huge effects in the labour market: lowering access credentials and empowering casualization of work, dis/re-intermediation labour demand and supply, affecting motivations and rewarding systems, reconfiguring process of control and risks transfer, renewing regulative standards, or re-organize representativeness and welfare protection. Fragmentation, precariousness, flexibility and instability become permanent traits of the workforce fostering the emergence of the cybertariat. Moreover, connectivity, evaluation and surveillance determine new working conditions tested on workers outside any bargaining process or institutional work arrangement. Platform workers (both high skilled and low skilled) are still largely unorganized and isolated. Similarly to other non-standard workers, they are exposed to the risk of exploitation and free work in a fast evolving economy based on reputation. Despite platform workers are highly differentiated and heterogeneous and difficult to organize collectively, forms of collective action are emerging at local and cross-national level.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20356609v12i3p611

Keywords: digital labour; platform capitalism; collective representation; crowdsourcing; gig economy


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Papers published in this Special Issue

Bellini A., S. Lucciarini, (2019), “Not only Riders. The Uncertain Boundaries of Digital Creative Work as a Frontier for Emerging Actors in Interest Representation”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 12(3): 845-870.

Bruni A., F.M. Esposito (2019), “It Obliges You to Do Things You Normally Wouldn’t”: Organizing and Consuming Private Life in the

Age of Airbnb”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 12(3): 665-690.

Busacca M. (2019), “Platform Organisations in Social Innovation: A Lot of Old Wine in a Bottle”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 12(3): 742-766.

Emilio R., L. Zamponi, and C. Caciagli (2019), “Labour Activism and Social Movement Unionism in the Gig Economy. Food Delivery Workers Struggles in Italy”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 12(3): 819-844.

Heiland H. (2019), “Reversed Solutionism. The Two Sided Control of Crowdwork”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 12(3): 640-664.

Marrone M., V. Finotto (2019), “Challenging Goliath. Informal Unionism and Digital Platforms in the Food Delivery Sector. The Case of Riders Union Bologna”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 12(3): 691-716.

Polkowska D. (2019), £Does the App Contribute to the Precarization of Work? The Case of Uber Drivers in Poland”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 12(3): 717-741.

Puligano V. (2019), “Work and Employment under the Gig Economy”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 12(3): 629-639.

Risi E., M. Briziarelli, and E. Armano (2019), “Crowdsourcing Platforms as Devices to Activate Subjectivities”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 12(3): 767-793.

Saturino R., H. Sousa (2019), “Hosting as a Lifestyle: The Case of Airbnb Digital Platform and Lisbon Hosts”, Partecipazione e conflitto, 12(3): 794-818.

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