Neoliberalism as the "Connective Tissue" of Contemporary Capitalism


What can we understand better about contemporary economic, social, political and cultural processes using the category of neoliberalism? What can it add to an understanding of the present existing forms of social organization? The article tries to answer these main questions in theoretical terms considering the arguments of those who claim to have stopped using the concept and of those who, on the contrary, sus-tain its theoretical value. Neoliberalism is considered as the "connective tissue" of contemporary capitalism, which is able to shape historically significant links between processes, ideas and practices re-garding not only different sub-social systems (political, economic, cultural, etc.), but also diverse scales of action (from global to local scale and vice versa). For this "ontological" reason the concept of neoliberalism seems to show an epistemological relevance, which rests on the capacity of this concept to disclose the interconnections not only between different phenomena, but also between each of them and a more general fabric of contemporary society. This regards especially functional relationships between the ontic and ontological dimensions of neoliberalism and contemporary capitalism. For this purpose the concept of neoliberalism as a "connective tissue" shows potential analytical advantages

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20356609v9i2p278

Keywords: Capitalism; hegemony; critical theory; neoliberalism; neoliberalization


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