Asymptotic behavior for a nonlocal diffusion problem with Neumann boundary conditions and a reaction term
In this paper, we consider the following initial value problem ,
, where
is a parameter,
is a bounded domain in
with smooth boundary
is a kernel which is nonnegative, measurable, symmetric, bounded and
the initial datum
. We show that, if
, then the solution
of the above problem tends to zero as
uniformly in
, and a description of its asymptotic behavior is given. We also prove that, if
, then the solution
blows up in a finite time, and its blow-up time goes to that of the solution of a certain ODE as the
norm of the initial datum goes to infinity.
DOI Code:
Nonlocal diffusion; asymptotic behavior; blow-up time
Nonlocal diffusion; asymptotic behavior; blow-up time
35B40; 45A07; 35G10
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