Quelle souplesse pour le signe linguistique du Nom de Marque ? Étude de sa variation phraséologique au prisme de la créativité du discours numérique au quotidien


In the present work, we propose a short diachronic study in which we aim to identify the cultural anchorage of the phraseological units identified in the lexical inventory of the blogosphere, while attempting to demonstrate that certain collocations that affect many areas of reality display a rough outline of semantic stability. The dynamism of brand names is highlighted because they represent our empirical base. The concept of collocation draws on multiple theoretical frameworks, namely the feature of quantitative salience of certain familiar words in situational contexts, the feature of informational salience emphasises the meaning that the brand name acquires in context. The use of digitized resources as well as the study of collocations in the Firthian sense adopted by corpus linguistics, can be a potentially powerful tool for analyzing brand names. Our aim is to study collocations of prototypical nouns that would deserve to be included in general language dictionaries for their cultural representativeness. We propose comparisons between the theory of the prototype, which as a theory of reference, implements a semantics of designation just like the dictionary, and our collocations whose base, the central notion, consists of a brand name.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v65p303

Keywords: brand name; collocations; corpus linguistics; cultural implicit; dictionary


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