Les dénominations des produits typiques de l’Émilie-Romagne. Diffusion multilingue d’une terminologie protégée


This paper concentrates on Food and Wine terminology in the Emilia Romagna region, Italy. Because their form involves references to the geographical origins of the designated products, Food and Wine terms represent lexico-cultural denominations that contribute to shaping regional identity and promoting the territory. In a globalised world, local products and food traditions travel with their names, beyond local and national borders, to enter other communities, languages and cultures. In the light of this, we select from the Sapori Locali glossary the protected denominations of around fifty typical products from the Emilia-Romagna Region, and compare and contrast their forms with their French and English equivalents. Our goal is to assess the impact that their culturally specific territorial value may have on their international reception.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v65p285

Keywords: terminology; protected denominations; typical products; multilingual equivalents


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