Discurso museístico e identidad: una comparación


The purpose of this work is to compare the websites of two main Spanish museums, El Prado and Reina Sofia, with the aim of identifying similarities and differences in their discursive strategies. After defining the criteria of the corpus selection and its analysis (qualitative, inductive and synchronic), and specifying the definition of the discourse related to the auto-representation of the museums, the comparison will be carried out. Its goal is to demonstrate that both museums use their sites to promote their own personalities mainly through three sections, Historia, Misión and Educación, in a bidirectional and mutual relation with their community of visitors. Moreover, this study can further demonstrate that multimodal texts, such as websites, undoubtedly feature a social practice which is considered as the milestone of discourse analysis.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v65p183

Keywords: museum auto-representation; discourse analysis; multimodal texts; discursive strategy; communication


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