Los glosarios financieros electrónicos en español y portugués como instrumentos de educación financiera en Latinoamérica


This study presents a novel comparative analysis of lexicographic tools created within the framework of financial education and inclusion initiatives in Latin America. In recent years, central banks and financial authorities around the world have taken on the task of facilitating access to financial education, aligning with global initiatives like the OECD's International Network on Financial Education (INFE). Among other instruments aimed at enhancing citizens’ financial literacy, monolingual glossaries of economic and financial terms can be found on the Internet portals of many Latin American central banks. The glossaries included in the study were selected based on their alleged use of simplified language, purpose, format, accessibility and subject, excluding those targeted at economic specialists. Moreover, to ensure comparability, the corpus focuses on glossaries with a minimum of ninety-nine defined terms, resulting in a set of five glossaries from the central banks of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, and Paraguay. Similar glossaries from other Latin American central banks were excluded given that they had economic experts as their target public. The lexicographic resources were analyzed in light of a functional approach (Tarp 2000; Bergenholtz, Tarp 2002; Fuertes-Olivera, Tarp 2014), which places great attention not only on the structure and nature of the lemmas, but also on the author’s goals and explanations, the accessibility, the methodology and the use of internet technologies. The findings reveal significant disparities in terms of the composition, accessibility and relevance of the electronic financial glossaries produced by central banks in Latin America and serve as a foundation for future advancements in the fields of electronic lexicography and terminology for promoting financial education.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v65p127

Keywords: lexicography; terminology; financial education; financial glossaries


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