Les tweets menaçants de Donald Trump dans la presse française


This contribution falls within the framework of online discourse and contrastive translation with the specific purpose of comparing the ways former American president Donald Trump’s threatening tweets have been translated and have circulated in the French online written press. Opening our reflection to the impact of social networks in modern journalism, we will specify the essential role played by translation in the production, transmission and spread of news by mobilizing some key concepts (e.g. transediting). Our article also aims to offer new insights into the complex speech act of threat and its digital use in political tweets. For this, we will draw a synthesis of the main characteristics of threat, supported by a brief description of what is called argumentum ad baculum. In the light of the above, through a sample of tweets derived from the Trump Twitter Archive, we will investigate threat from a perspective which also emphasizes technolinguistic features specific to Twitter and, subsequently, we will provide an overview of the different translation choices that were observed in the articles of the French online national newspapers, collected from Europresse database and Google. To do this, the analysis is characterized by a contrastive approach as it will be based on the different versions of the abovementioned messages inserted in the news electronic texts by the journalist-translator.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v62p125

Keywords: online discourse; threat; Twitter; online written press; contrastive translation


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