Saisir l’intermédialité du discours numérique en acte


Much research has been dedicated in recent years to the rhetoric and poetics of digital discourse. These have tried to grasp the techno-structure of "screen writing", examining with precision the links between the coded dimension and its visible manifestations, or studying closely the role of the "architext", the technical, industrial and ideological guidance of writing and reading practices by software tools and platforms. I myself have actively participated in this field of research, being interested on the one hand in the role of code and algorithms, and on the other hand in the role of software that facilitates the process of digital writing and at the same time constrains it, models it, normalizes it; The question of knowing which visions of the world are encoded in software tools and platforms has been central to my research on digital discourse, since it seems obvious that social networks such as Facebook, for example, have not only popularized digital writing by providing authors with a theoretically unlimited number of receivers, but also by encoding in the device visions of what friendship, community, popularity, life in society, and the contemporary subject mean. Fewer are the analyses that place at the center of their methodology the "interpretative filters" mobilized by the subject, faced with the digital discourse. In this article, I will try to circumscribe the rhetoric of digital discourse by relying on two complementary methodological frameworks: the theories of intermediality, which will allow me to grasp some of its techno-semiotic specificities through the prism of production and reception, and social semiotics, which places at the center of the analysis the action of the "interpretive filters" mobilized by the subject in dealing with signs.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v62p49

Keywords: intermediality; digital rhetorics; social semiotics; interpretation


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