O ensino do PB e a prática da legendagem. Ideias para a sala de aula


Talking about the didactics of Brazilian Portuguese as foreign language is not a matter exhaustible just considering the didactics of a foreign language as a series of methodologies devoted to the teaching of specific linguistic and cultural elements, since when we think of the language used in Brazil, we are immediately led to consider the sociolinguistic aspects of this variety of the Portuguese language. In the first stage of learning, the students meet the Portuguese language only as a foreign language which has its geographical placement on the world map; then the students discover that there are differences between the Portuguese of Portugal, the Portuguese of Brazil and the Portuguese spoken in Africa, relating to concepts such as linguistic norms, linguistic registers, variation, and variability. The discourse becomes even more intricate when the difference that exists in Brazilian Portuguese between written and spoken language is presented, and it is necessary to consider that even the most dedicated students show a difficulty in getting around the variational intricacies of Brazilian Portuguese - there not being many occasions in class to reflect on this subject. This issue represents a linguistic, but also a social and cultural fact that learner may meet in his/her experience with this variety of Portuguese. Targeting the development of language skills and knowledge by an independent learner, it is desirable the development of a teaching practice based on communication and interaction that enjoys the potentialities of translation (although it does not directly develop any of the language skills, i.e., reading, writing, speaking and listening) together with credible data that can propose to the learner more verisimilar fictional situations in relation to the linguistic reality of Brazil.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v57p225

Keywords: Brazilian Portuguese; Subtitling; Didactics; Variation; Translation


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