La cuestión terminológica en torno a los fenómenos de adquisición y aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras (LE). Los ‘lingüismos’


Getting inside the many areas surrounding the phenomenon of acquisition and learning of foreign language (FL), which is already arduous, may be hindered by the large number of meanings that are attached to the relationship between languages, that is to say ‘lingualisms’. As the world has become interdependent, ethnolinguistic diversity has been reflected in human relations in general and, as a consequence, a multitude of linguistic situations, which previously did not exist or were very rare, need to be recognized and named with their particular specificities. This picture has spread to classrooms in virtually every country where the teaching of FL is a core subject in their education systems. Often, different authors tend to use the same term, but with different meanings, which means that in many cases there is no standard use of many of these terms. The interest in this subject, and all kinds of varieties of languages in contact with each other, has produced a real explosion of terminology, which causes some confusion when talking about the different languages. The aim of this work is to carry out a terminological review of these terms included in the specialized literature, highlighting, on the one hand, the terminological confusion on a linguistic level and, on the other hand, the ideological component as a psycho-sociolinguistic fact that these terms contain. It also considers to what extent it is possible to bring together the scientific community in this respect.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v44p7

Keywords: foreign languages (FL); lingualisms; language learning; language acquisition.


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