Il discorso scientifico mediato dalle serie televisive. Il caso di Dr House (2004-2012)


This study analyzes the Specific Language of Medicine and Surgery. The American Tv Series "Doctor House Medical Division" will be the core of this paper. Doctor House is regarded as a didactic product that talks to an unspecialized public. After a general excursus presenting the medical TV series that took place in the Brazilian show schedule, from the Eighties so far, the focus will be set on the Scientific Language and its own features (Hull 2013). Moreover, the following research develops a comparison between three versions of the Series, the American English one, the Brazilian Portuguese one and the Italian one (Pavesi 2014). Furthermore, the Italian and the Portuguese versions are both dubbed. Lexical as well as semantical patterns will change according to the Target Languages in the fields of Clinic, Surgery and Symptomatology, too (Fremgen 2016). Further topics will be related to Syntax, Morphology, Style, Register and the Tenor of Discourse (Biber 2009). The dialogues whose main character is the grumpiest doctor of all the times change according to symmetrical or asymmetrical interactions, whether they occour among doctors or patients. In conclusion, this analysis includes diastratic and diaphasic levels of discourse. (Coupland 2007).


DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v35p179

Keywords: Scientific Language, Syntax, Diastratic, Diaphasic, Morphology, Target Languages, Symmetrical, Asymmetrical


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