English language entry requirements in EMI degree programs at Bachelor level in Italy


The internationalization of education at university level is rapidly leading to the proliferation of English Medium Instruction (EMI) programmes in many educational contexts around the globe. This study deals with the entry requirements for prospective candidates for accessing EMI degree programmes at bachelor level (BA) in Italian universities, with a focus on English language proficiency. So far, this particular aspect has received little attention, especially from a comparative perspective among Italian universities. However, language competence is crucial to learn effectively in an EMI context. This paper illustrates the results of a survey involving eighteen Italian universities which offer such programmes at bachelor level. To identify the English language requirements, the relevant webpages of the institutions have been explored, starting from the Universitaly website - a platform which presents an overview of the Italian universities providing EMI programmes. All the undergraduate degree courses delivered in the English-only formula have been considered. The results show that not only are the institutional webpages and their admission requirements sections quite different from one another but, most importantly, the required level of English proficiency varies considerably across universities and degree courses, ranging from B1 to C1 (according to the CEFR descriptors). In addition, programmes also differ in terms of how students' English proficiency is verified. This study, therefore, suggests that, at least as far as entry language requirements are concerned, EMI in Italy is far from being a homogenous phenomenon and that local practices tend to shape this educational policy.



DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v44p53

Keywords: EMI; English language entry requirements; English proficiency; admission requirements; CEFR.


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