Português Língua de Herança: motivações e perfil sociolinguístico dos falantes de PLH inscritos no curso de PLE nível elementar na Universidade de Milão


Abstract – In the Italian higher education system, the Portuguese language is generally studied by Italian native speakers without prior knowledge of Portuguese, in courses designed for Foreign Language Learners (FLL). However, we may occasionally find that students enrolled have some kind of heritage connection to the Portuguese language, making it necessary to adapt methodologies, contents and materials in order to address the needs of these Heritage Language Learners (HLL) and value their presence in these mixed classes. From our point of view, course design and teaching should therefore take into account both the motivations for learning Portuguese and the sociolinguistic profile of these HLL. This paper presents and discusses the results of a research conducted in a mixed class at the University of Milan aimed at determining 1) the motivations for learning Portuguese of FLL and HLL groups and 2) the Portuguese HLL sociolinguistic profile. In other words, we aim to understand, from a Language Teaching approach, the motivations and the linguistic and cultural identity of these HLL through their own views. Data for this study was collected through two surveys of Portuguese HLL (n=8) and Portuguese FLL/HLL (n=66) enrolled in the academic year 2017/2018. As we adopt, due to the nature of this research, a more sociolinguistic oriented definition of HLL, we present an opening chapter devoted to the discussion about the definitions of Heritage Language. Lastly, we point some preliminary considerations about our experience in a Portuguese FLL and HLL mixed class.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v32p309

Keywords: Portuguese as a heritage language; Portuguese heritage speakers; motivation; Portuguese as foreign language; language teaching


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