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Transitional Waters Bulletin Volume 2, Issue 3 (2008) Hierarchical scaling of biodiversity in lagoon ecosystems Details  PDF
Alberto Basset, Maurizio Pinna, Letizia Sabetta, Enrico Barbone, Nicola Galuppo

Transitional Waters Bulletin Volume 1, Issue 4 (2007) Taxonomic and dimensional structure of benthic macroinvertebrate guilds in the Margherita di Savoia Salt Pans (Italy) Details  PDF
E. Barbone, I. Rosati, M. Pinna, A. Basset

Transitional Waters Bulletin Volume 1, Issue 3 (2007) Preliminary data on the macrozoobenthos of the Albanian costal lagoons (lagoons of Patok,Karavasta,Natra) Details  PDF
S. Beqirai, M. Pinna, A. Basset, E. Nikleka, B. Fetahu, E. Doka, M. Ismailaj, E. Barbone, F. Sangiorgio, M. Fedele

Transitional Waters Bulletin Volume 7, Issue 1 (2013) Resistance and resilience of ecosystem descriptors and properties to dystrophic events: a study case in a Mediterranean lagoon Details  PDF
A. Basset, E. Barbone, I. Rosati, F. Vignes, P. Breber, A. Specchiulli, R. D’Adamo, M. Renzi, S. Focardi, N. Ungaro, M. Pinna

Transitional Waters Bulletin Volume 3, Issue 2 (2009) Spatial and temporal description of the dystrophic crisis in Lesina lagoon during summer 2008 Details  PDF
Fabio Vignes , Enrico Barbone , Paolo Breber , Raffaele D'Adamo , Roselli Leonilde , Nicola Ungaro , Silvano Focardi , Monia Renzi , Alberto Basset

Transitional Waters Bulletin Volume 3, Issue 2 (2009) Renewal time in a population of Abra segmentum (Mollusca, Bivalvia): a case of marked r strategy Details  PDF
Lucreazia Cilenti , Tommaso Scirocco , Marisa Florio , Antonietta Specchiulli , Enrico Barbone , Ilaria Rosati , Fabio Vignes , Monica Renzi , Alberto Basset , Paolo Breber

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