Dal Punk alla Yugonostalgia: spinte e resistenze nel processo di Umbildung della democrazia slovenal=From Punk to Yugonostalgia: driving and resisting forces in the Umbildung process of Slovenian democratization


From Punk to Yugonostalgia: driving and resisting forces in the Umbildung process of Slovenian democratization. Slovenia can be considered as a borderland and a culture crossroads. It is necessary to look at its milieu in order to grasp both driving forces and resistances that acted in the Slovene cultural scene, academic and non-academic, from the last Yugoslavian decade to nowadays. It is a reality between the West and the East, decentralized in its inner nature, still divided between ‘yugophilia’ and ‘yugophobia’. To look at Slovenia now, twenty-five years after its independence and twelve years after its inclusion in Europe, means also to deepen such aspects as the underground scene of its Capital. Here it is possible to find unusual implications, as the relationship between the Psychoanalytic School of Ljubljana and the punk subculture; the aesthetical and political action carried on by the retro-avant-gardes; the ‘Titostalgia’ as a touristic attraction but also as a popular expression, beyond the politically correct; finally, the continue proliferation of alternative cultural places and subcultures: these and many others are the less known aspects of a unique and original path which is the Slovenian road to its collective identity formation.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22840753n8p247

Keywords: Slovenia; Punk; Youth Subcultures; NSK; Psychoanalytic School of Ljubljana; Titostalgia; Yugonostalgia

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