Vintage ed esperienza mediatica = Vintage and mediatic experience


The crisis of the Western culture has produced a radical alteration of the concept of past in the contemporary societies and this alteration has determined the birth of a new social phenomenon: the vintage. A phenomenon that is related to a large quantity of social area and, a cause of this, is complicated to analyse. The main scope of this article is to explore the reasons of the actual big success of the vintage. The individuals are involved by the vintage because the diffusion of the actual postmodern culture has weakened the social idea of the time. Indeed, there is a crisis of the conception of the traditional and linear time and the increasing diffusion of an eternal present. This is due to the social role of the media and, in particular, of the television, the first medium with the ability of register the main events of the human life. Events that therefore contemporary individuals can enjoy many times. In consequence of this, the vintage assume the identity of a substituted experience. In the vintage old and new are completely mixed and contemporary individuals can freely consume elements of the past. So, the vintage isn't a nostalgic elaboration of the past, because it's the result of a constructive attitude based on the fruition of mediatic texts of the past. For that reason, the vintage is a mediatic experience that individuals interpret like genuine experience.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22840753n8p89

Keywords: vintage; media; time; television; internet; kitsch

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