Purchase Intention of Made-in-China Medical Devices among Malaysians: Does COO Effect Work?


Made-in-China products are getting popular around the world. Overcoming the ‘low quality’ perception or unfavorable country of origin (COO) effect is imperative not only for China marketers but also for any related business in other markets. Despite their huge popularity, understanding of market responses and perceptions towards China products remain unclear, especially in the technology-advanced healthcare sector. Based on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and COO effect, this study examined how subjective norms, self-image congruence and stereotype affected Malaysian consumers’ attitude and purchase intention of Made-in-China medical devices. 200 questionnaires in total were distributed among buyers in Malaysian public and private hospitals. A total of 178 valid responses were collected adopting purposive sampling technique. Findings indicated a significant impact of consumer attitude on purchase intention and attitude was found to be driven by subjective norms and stereotypes (warmth and competence), but not self-image congruency. The study also showed significant mediating effects of consumer attitude on the relationship between subjective norms and stereotype (competence) on purchase intention. The findings provide valuable insights to assist marketers in tapping into the Made-in-China medical device market as well as helping healthcare agencies plan and implement effective policy and marketing communication strategies.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v16n1p80

Keywords: Country of origin, purchase intention, medical device, stereotype, self-image congruence


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