Determinants of using digital banking services:an analysis of user satisfaction through TAM and UTAUT models with PLS-SEM


The paper we proposed has as its main objective to analyze the impact on consumer habits of the phenomenon of digital transformation in the world of banking and financial services. The future of finance has a digital DNA: old and new players have started FinTech systems, that has genetically modified the financial world. The present work is mainly research carried out using statistical methods. The goal of our research is to build a model that, through an extended application and reinterpretation of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), helps us to measure the factors affecting consumer satisfaction, retention levels towards digital banking and financial services and to investigate how these new services can impact on consumption. The study was carried out by administrating a survey and testing hypotheses with a structural equation model with PLS-PM.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v16n1p97



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